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      Proiectul nostru a urmărit :                      


            -        dezvoltarea intereselor de cunoaştere , stimularea dorinţei de documentare şi
                 a aptitudinilor creatoare      
          -        formarea competenţelor de cercetare a problemelor actuale cu care se confruntă
                 comunitatea şi de intervenţie eficientă 
            -        sensibilizarea copiilor în legătură cu problemele mediului şi cu protejarea adecvată
                a acestuia


I. PORTOFOLIU – prezentare generala


II. PROJECT – “Populatia sectorului 1”


III. PROJECT – “ Relatia dintre fenomenele meteorologice si fenomenul de poluare in spatiul orasului Bucuresti”


IV. PROJECT – “Vibreaza in inima noastra Sarbatoarea Pamantului”


V. ROJECT – “Creeaza-ti mediul”






Data de 5 iunie 2008 , Ziua Internationala a Mediului , a constituit un bun prilej pentru elevii si cadrele didactice ale Scolii Nr. 1 “Sfintii Voievozi” de a desfasura , alaturi de colegii lor de la Scoala Hele , Plymouth , Marea Britanie , o serie de activitati dedicate mediului inconjurator.


Activitatile s-au desfasurat simultan in cele doua scoli (Scoala Nr.1 “Sfintii Voievozi” si Scoala Hele) , si au implicat un numar de 12 de elevi din Anglia si 12 de elevi dn Romania , indrumati de profesorii participanti la proiectul bilateral Comenius.



I. In Romania, elevii claselor a VII-a si a VIII-a din Scoala Nr. 1 “Sfintii Voievozi”, indrumati de doamnele profesoare Miu Zina si Niculae Ioana au participat la :



          - Simpozionul International din 8 iunie “Geografie intre teorie si practica” , cu tema pentru 2008 “Un singur Pamant”, desfasurat la Colegiul National Gh. Lazar , unde a fost prezentat proiectul “Populatia Sectorului 1”, cuprinzand informatii generale despre zona mentionata ( evolutia populatiei , factori de influenta , structura populatiei , probleme actuale cu care se confrunta comunitatea sectorului etc.)

           Prezentarea a fost apreciata cu nota 9,50 – premiul I de catre juriul Simpozionului , la setiunea Referate ale elevilor de gimnaziu.

           Premierea se va desfasura in cadrul festiv in septembrie 2008, in cadrul sesiunilor de consfatuiri ale cadrelor didactice.



         - Sesiunea nationala de comunicari , organizata de Universitatea Politehnica Polizu ,cu genericul “Mediu Curat” , desfasurat la data de 7 iunuie 2008 , in cadrul Universitatii Polizu, unde elevii Scolii Nr.1 “Sfintii Voievozi” au prezentat proiectul “Relatia dintre elementele meteorologice  si fenomenul de poluare in spatial orasului Bucuresti”

           Elevii clasei a VIII-a A au mediatizat prin intermediul unei prezentari power point situatia poluarii in orasul Bucuresti , cauzele generatoare ale acesteia , precum si masuri pentru reducerea si prevenirea poluarii.

           Eforturile elevilor , precum si cele ale cadrelor didactice care i-au intrumat au fost recompensate cu dimplome de participare.



       - in incinta Scolii Nr.1 “Sfintii Voievozi” , elevii implicati in aceste proiecte au realizat un panou informativ cu afise , brosuri si fotografii realizate in cadrul activitatilor mentionate , in vederea popularizarii rezultatelor acestora si a sensibilizarii elevilor la problemele de mediu comunitatii locale si internationale.



       - cu aceeasi ocazie, elevii clasei a VII-a A au participat la Simpozionul intitulat “Ziua Pamantului” , prezentand proiectul “Vibreaza in inima noastra sarbatoarea Pamantului” , informand publicul despre semnificatia acestei zile , fondatorul acesteia precum si despre problemele actuale cu care se confrunta omenirea (cauze ale poluarii , masuri de reducere a acesteia si necesitatea conservarii monumentelor naturale).




       - Concursul “Creeaza-ti mediul” a solicitat elevilor in cadrul unei probe practice construierea unui obiect din materiale reciclabile. Elevii clasei a VII-a A au raspuns corect la intrebarile juriului si au realizat o papusa din materiale reciclabile , pentru care au obtinut premiul I.

        - de asemenea , pentru a constientiza importanta unui mediu sanatos , elevii Scolii Nr.1 “Sfintii Voievozi”au realizat o serie de vizite la Muzeul de Stiinte Naturale “Grigore Antipa” , Gradina Botanica “D. Brandza’ precum si in alte parcuri din Bucuresti.



II. In Marea Britanie , grupul de elevi ai Scolii Nr.1 “Sfintii Voievozi”, indrumati de dna. Prof. Alina Unguru si dra. inv. Rodica Pana au participat alaturi de colegii lor de la Scoala Hele, indrumati de dl. prof. Clive Rowbury, dl. prof. Steve Parke , si d-na Charlotte Wolf , au partcipat la o serie de activitati care au avut ca tema principala protejarea madiului inconjurator:




       - Dezbatere cu tema “Protect the environment” a antrenat elevii celor doua scoli intr-o serie de activitati care au vizat descoperirea unor metode eficiente de protejare a mediului ambient .Echipa castigatoare , numita sugestiv ”Oameni buni”a fost recompensata cu diplome de participare.   



        - Workshop-ul “Save the Rainforest” , desfasurat in incinta scolii Hele din Plymouth, s-a desfasurat sub forma unei investigatii in care elevii au jucat rolul unor detectivi , incercand sa descopere adevaratii asasini ai lui Chico Mendes, unul dintre cei mai mari aparatori ai padurii tropicale.

          Activitatea a reprezentat un succes total , atat elevii romani cat si cei britanici reusind sa faca legatura intre motivele asasinarii lui Chico Mendez  si cauzele defrisarii irationale a padurilor tropicale.


       - in continuarea acestor activitati , elevii participanti la proiect, din cele doua scoli , au vizitat Biosferele create in cadrul Proiectului EDEN din Cornwall , Acvariul “Marine National Aquarium” din Plymouth , rezervatia naturala “Dartmoor National Park” si gradinile amenajate de la Mount Edgecumbe , locatii unde au putut observa modul in care omul a reusit sa creeze cu succes conditii optime de mediu pentru anumite specii de plante si animale.



  Our project aimed :                      
                    - to enhance knowledge interests, to stimulate documentation desire and creative aptitudes  
               - to form investigation ability of existing problems which our community is confronting with and 
                  abilities of efficient intervention
               - to render kids sensitive in connection with environment problems and with its proper protection



1. PORTOFOLIO - general presentation




                         IN BUCHAREST CITY






6. UNITED KINGDOM ACTIVITIES – photos and stuffs 


          The day of 5th  June 2008 , The International Day of Environment , was a good opportunity for the pupils from
“Sfintii Voievozi” School Nr. 1 and their teachers to develop , together with their mates from Hele’s School, Plymouth ,
United Kingdom  a lot of activities devoted to the environment.



       The activities were developed simultaneously between the schools (School Nr. 1 “Sfintii Voievozi” and Hele’s School )
and they involved twenty-four pupils from England and twenty-four pupils from Romania, guided by participant teachers
 involved in the Comenius bilateral project.



           I. In Romania, pupils from seventh and eighth grades from School Nr. 1 “Sfintii Voievozi” , guided by Mrs. Miu
Zina and Ms. Niculae Ioana participated at:



                 - International Symposium “Geography Between theory and practice” on 8th June ,with the 2008 theme  Only One Earth” ,
                that took  “Gheorghe Lazar” national college , where was presented  “The Population of Sector 1”  project which  included
general information about the above mentioned zone ( population evolution , influence facts , population structure , existing problems
which the community of our sector is confronting with  etc.)



              The presentation was given the grade 9,50 – that is the 1st prize, by the Symposium  jury , at the “Gymnasium Pupils
Reports” section.

                          The prize award is going to be held in September 2008 , during the teachers’ conference sessions.



           - The National Session of Communication organized by Polizu Polytechnic University, with “Clean Environment” theme,
developed on   7th June 2008 , at Polizu University , where the pupils from School Nr. 1 “Sfintii Voievozi” presented the project 
“Relationship Between Meteorology Facts And Pollution Phenomenon In Bucharest City”.
            Pupils from eighth grade made known through a power point presentation the pollution situation of Bucharest, the generating
reasons of it, as well as measures for reducing and preventing the pollution. 

            The pupils’ efforts, as well as the ones of the teachers that guided them were rewarded with Participation Diplomas.




         - in the enclosure of School Nr. 1 “Sfintii Voievozi”, the pupils involved in this projects made an informative panel  with posters ,
brochures and photos gathered during the mentioned activities , in order to make known their results and to render pupils sensitive
about the environment problems of local and international community .






      - with the same occasion , pupils from seventh grade participated at a Symposium called “Earth’s Day” , where they presented “Earth’s
Day Is Vibrating In Our Hearts “,informing the public about the importance of this day , its founder as well as about the existing problems
that the humans are confronting with (pollution reasons, measures of  lowering it and the necessity of preserving natural monuments ).




    -  “Create your environment “ contest requested from pupils during a  practice proof to create an object from recyclable materials .
The students from the seventh grade answered correctly at the jury’s questions and made a doll from recyclable materials ,obtaining
the 1st prize.
             -   also , for realizing the importance of a clean environment , the pupils from School Nr. 1 “Sfintii Voievozi” visited The Natural
Science Museum “Grigore Antipa” , The Botanical Gardens “D. Brandza” as well as other parks from Bucharest.





   II. In the United Kingdom,the group of pupils from School Nr. 1 “Sfintii Voievozi”, guided by Mrs. Alina Unguru and Ms. Rodica
Pana participated together with their mates from Heles’s School guided by Mr. Clive Rowbury, Mr. Steve Parke and Mrs. Charlotte
Wolf , at a lot of activities and visits that had as principal theme the protection of the environment:





               - The debate having the topic “Protect the environment” stimulated the pupils from both schools in different activities that
aimed at discovering some efficient methods of protecting the surrounding environment. The winner group , suggestively called
“Good People” have been rewarded with participation diplomas.


            - “Save the Rainforest” workshop, developed inside of Hele’s School, Plymouth, was like an investigation where pupils
were detectives, trying to find the true murderers of Chico Mendes, one of the most important defenders of the rainforests.


          The activity represented a total success, both Romanian pupils and British ones made a connection between the reasons of the
murder of Chico Mendes and the causes of irrational deforestation of  the rainforests.
          The power point presentation provided important information for pupils about the necessity of preserving the rainforests.





             -  continuing these activities , the pupils from both schools who took part at the project, visited The Natural Biosphere created
within the framework of EDEN Project from Cornwall , The National Marine Aquarium  from Plymouth , the natural reservation “Dartmoor
National Park” and arranged gardens from Edgecumbe Mount , locations where they could see the way that man succeeded to create optimal
environment  conditions  for some species of plants and animals. 



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